Make Laughter & Joy

Inspired by Kathrine, a college friend, that reminded me of my joy of laughter b/c learning what someone remembers you for can be so humbling.

So, laughter is my FAV. I have a loud really loud and wild...and it’s my laugh & I love it!

During this season I began to wonder…

Why aren’t we laughing more?

What makes us laugh?

What brings us joy?

How do we get know to joy and laughter?

How do we do it?

2020 has been a wild ride BUT if you pause for a moment I bet you’ll see some bright spots.

For me it’s been connecting more with my mom.

For me it’s been virtual movie dates with my friends.

For me it’s been a deeper connection to myself.

For me it’s been better boundary setting.

For me it’s been laughter.

For me it’s been furthering my education.

For me it was virtual birthday parties b/c they allowed for connection between my various friends from various points in life from the delta shelta to the board room.

For me it’s been self-care sundays with a new group of ladies God blessed me with.

For me it’s been the connection to black women and men from various stages of my life.

For me it’s been a whirlwind.

For me it’s been the power in choosing me...and learning to do that more fully.

For me it’s been continuing therapy...really, I laugh with my therapist too.

For me it’s been being vulnerable.

For me it’s been seeing my circle, my tribe really step up for me in ways I never imagined...never imagined I needed or were possible.

For me it’s been cooking.

For me it’s been spending 24/7 with Chanel.

For me it’s been getting to spend 2 whole weeks with my 2 yr old nephew.

For me there’s been so much joy and laughter in 2020.

Alright so in some of these things I also found tears...and that’s okay too. It’s okay because I’m a multi-dimension human, a whole human and I recognize myself fully. In the dark and the happy - I’m still me.

Wow, I wasn’t expecting that list to be that long. But I guess when we pause and focus on joy and laughter we can really see it all around us.

So I pause and wonder, what has brought laughter and joy to your 2020?

Coach Bose'

I hold space for clients to dream limitlessly, increase confidence and gain clarity to step into their purpose.


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