When Is The Right Time To Refresh Your Goals?

January has been chaotic, fun and full of energy…at times too much energy!

I am so very thankful that Goal and Grind’s first public Vision & Goals parties in December were a huge success! But then what? I was both humbled and honored with the requests to do more and inquires about January sessions. But I also felt pressure around January being THE perfect time to set goals. But was it really? And if it’s not then when?

My answer to this question might surprise you! To me, the best time is when you’re ready and when you’re in the right mindset. So now you’re probably wondering how you know when you’re ready For me, these are the questions I ask myself to determine when I’m ready to refresh my goals.

  1. Rest. Do you feel rested? Are you exhausted daily? Does your mind have the mental capacity to do more?

  2. Time. Do you have time to commit 1.5 hours to focus on yourself? Do you have time after the session to take baby steps toward new goals?

  3. Accountability. Are you in a place where you would like to be held accountable to your goals?

  4. Pivot. Are you interested in pivoting life? Does life feel stagnant and you’d like a jump start on setting a new path?

  5. Joy. Is it time to reignite the joy in your life? Are you feeling unfulfilled and/or are you looking for a new direction?

  6. Balance. Do you feel off balance? Does something seem off but you can’t exactly put your finger on what it is?

If items from this list resonate with you then you’re ready for a G&G Vision and Goals Party!

If not, that is OKAY! A little secret, I’m not even always ready to go through my own method of setting a vision with supporting goals. Sometimes all I’m ready for is a nap. And there it is, that’s what happen to me this January. I needed long naps, phone calls with my accountability circle and time to myself. So I gave myself permission to accept that gift to myself which meant I did not host any Vision & Goals Parties in January. Some might think of this as a missed business opportunity; however, I think of it as being honest and loving myself in order to be the best for my clients.

At the core, I truly believe that each person is on their own uniquely beautiful path and therefore their own timeline as well. It is my goal to meet clients at that place when they are ready to embark on coaching and/or a Vision and Goals Party. That’s why I have decided to host Vision and Goals Parties on a quarterly basis. If you’re interested in joining the fun check out the schedule here!

Coach Bose'

I hold space for clients to dream limitlessly, increase confidence and gain clarity to step into their purpose.


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