3 Step Plan for Successful Strategic Networking

Effective Strategies to Build Networking Skills and Achieve Your Career Goals

I’ll be honest here and say “Your Network is Your Networth!”

Coach Bose’ here, and today I’m going to talk about the 3 step plan to networking strategically so that you can build your network in alignment with your career goals.

Networking can be scary. I often have people ask how to get over the fear of networking.

It can be scary because rejection is tough and you have no idea how or where to start building your network.

Strategic networking skills aren’t something we were taught in school, but it is something that I’m ready to teach you! 

If you’re looking for a more hands-on approach, I’m constantly working with Goal Grinders to build their network in a way that’s strategically aligned with their goals.  In the Career Change Inner Circle, participants attend exclusive monthly coaching sessions, work their way through the Pivot to Purpose Course and connect with likeminded individuals dedicated to living in their purpose. 

Strategies for Effective Networking - Identify your current network. 

Maybe you go to a gym, participate in an alumni association for your school, go to church bible study, are involved in an industry-related association or anything else. These are just a few examples of where you can meet folks in person.

There are also your virtual networks. LinkedIn is my favorite, but you might also be in groups on Facebook where you can meet folks, connect and grow your network.

Wherever it is, this is the foundation of your network because it’s where you can connect with others. The Rooted in Joy Career Change Method digs deeper into how you can network like a champ, but the starting point is identifying your current network.

After you identify your core networking spaces, you will have the foundation of your network, enabling you to connect with others and deepen mutually beneficial professional relationships.

Additionally, you’ll be able to identify gaps in your network, allowing you to go out and fill those gaps.

If you are wondering where to find new networking circles - download my FREE 30-day networking planner

Strategies for Effective Networking - Restructure Your Approach

I see you randomly sending LinkedIn requests to people at large companies. STOP. Instead, start sending requests to people in your dream job.

You’ve been reaching out to people that work at companies you see listed as top places to work for.

You don’t include a customized message in your outreach…just a connection request.

This is taking up tons of time yet not yielding tons of results.

You’re not scheduling informational interviews or coffee chats with people in your dream job.

It’s time for you to do 3 things I teach Goal Grinders in the Career Change Inner Circle:

  1. Align your outreach to people in the type of role you want rather than at a specific company.

  2. Personalize your outreaches to include why you’re reaching out to them.

  3. Focus on building mutually beneficial relationships.

If you need a new networking strategy to move the needle on your career search, get started today with my free 30-day networking planner.

Strategies for Effective Networking - Recognize your unique purpose

Let me share with you the story of how I landed my first fortune 50 job strategically networking using the Rooted In Joy Career Change Method.

I had taken a leap of faith in moving to my dream city, but I didn’t know anyone in my career field and I didn’t have a corporate job yet.

I felt like I was starting over - because I was.

Cold outreach after cold outreach, someone finally agreed to meet with me. 

I researched her, read articles about her…I found her 40 under 40 article with one personal question asking about her favorite candy bar. I barely had enough money to pay rent, but I bought that Reeses Cup!

Before every informational interview, I review my list of questions to ensure they align with what I want to learn from the person. The question I close with is always, “Is there anyone else you recommend I meet?” 

I marched into that 3pm meeting with a notebook and Reeses and said, “Hi, I’m Bose’ and I appreciate you meeting me so I brought your favorite candy bar as a gift.” She hadn’t eaten lunch so she was elated and ate them while we chatted. 

Soon after, she introduced me to the best CSR professionals in Chicago and referred me for roles when people in her network asked if she knew of suitable candidates.

Before you knew it, I was interviewing at an international company on the Fortune 50 list for the first time ever! Finally, after nailing 4 rounds of interviews, I got the offer!

Clarifying my goals before meeting with her was key to articulating how she could support my journey.  One of the key lessons in the Rooted In Joy Career Change Method (TM) is learning how to recognize your unique purpose and career goals. This step is not only empowering for yourself, but it also enables the people in your network to support your journey.

Do you have an example of a time strategic networking was effective? Please share it with us in the comments section below. 

Coach Bose'

I hold space for clients to dream limitlessly, increase confidence and gain clarity to step into their purpose.


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