What is Holistic Goal Setting, and Why Is It Important for Living Your Dream Life?

Woman who uses holistic goal setting in her daily life

Look, I know you're not new to setting goals, but sometimes when you delve deeply into something, you lose track of the finer details of strategic goal setting with holistic goals.

Next thing you know, you're too overwhelmed and busy to ask for advice.

Don't worry, that's what this article and I are for.

I will explain the Goal and Grind 5 step Vision & Goals Method to turn your dreams into your reality and why you need to know all about it to succeed in creating a customized roadmap to get in the driver’s seat of your life.

What is Holistic Goal Setting? 

At its most basic, holistic goal setting is creating goals in the four key areas of life (personal, professional, health and financial) so that you can be more intentional about going after your dream life. Having holistic goals prompts you to focus on how each of the key areas of life are connected.

Let's add a little more depth to that—when we are hyper-focused on one of the key areas, we tend to sleep on the others. Then, when we sleep on the other areas, we start to feel burnt out and exhausted because we’re not being fully nurtured. Think about it, in order to perform your job you need to be healthy…in order to treat yourself you need a financial plan…in order to make a financial plan you need to secure the bag at work. And there you have it…your personal, professional, health and financial goals are all connected. #MindBlown Bonus points if you set long and short term goals for each of the four key areas..

And finally, for those high achievers out there, your life needs a strategy too! Developing holistic, balanced goals is the equivalent of setting your annual KPIs at work. You need a KPI in each of the key areas to tie all of your hard work together. Most importantly, those KPIs must align with your strategy. Your life strategy is equivalent to your dream life. If you stepped into your dream life, where would you be in 10 years? Who would you be with?

If you're just getting started, rest assured, that you will master holistic goal setting in no time!

Do you want to learn more? Check out my YouTube channel for free weekly tips on turning your dream life into your real life.

Why Should You Care About Holistic Goal Setting?

I'm all about being in the driver’s seat of your life, and I can't make you care about holistic goal setting, but let me give you some life-changing reasons to make it part of your routine.

Holistic goal setting is important because:

  • Reason #1: It can help you prioritize an overwhelming to-do list.

  • Reason #2: It can help you reduce stress.

  • Reason #3: It can help you be a better friend, partner, mother, daughter and/or sister by having more focused time with your community.

  • Reason #4: It can help you have more time for yourself!

Important: Don't think that just because you set holistic goals, you’ll focus on each of them each day. Nope - you’ll have days, weeks, months and sometimes even years where you’re focused on one area, but then you shift to a different area.

The truth is, your dream life vision is always in sight and you understand how the goals intertwine to support your overarching vision for your life.

Holistic Goal Setting in Context

How holistic goal setting affects you is just as important as understanding what exactly holistic goal setting is and why it's essential.

Let me give you a real-world example:

My client Karina was ready to make a move in her career to the next level but she knew it had to align with her personal life as a busy mom and wife. Katrina developed a set of holistic goals BEFORE applying to jobs. This helped her understand how her professional goals connected to her personal, health and financial goals. As she applied for jobs she was easily able to skip over ones that didn’t align with her overarching vision for her life. When the right job came along, she went for it full force. She also had the confidence to negotiate for what she needed and deserved. Now that she’s in her new dream job she has more time with her kiddos and increased financial stability.

My client, Karina, applies holistic goal setting whenever she has new dreams to work toward. She didn't think it was possible for holistic goal setting to help her get her dream job BUT it did!

Check Out: My favorite internet mentor, Thasunda Brown Duckett, and her brilliant example of holistic goal setting in action...well, she calls it a diversified portfolio because she’s in finance. Have a look over here for how she does it here: TIAA CEO says ‘work-life balance is a lie,’ so she treats her time like a diversified portfolio: ‘Sometimes you have to short the stock.’

3 Tips for Holistic Goal Setting

Raise your hand if you are still feeling overwhelmed with your dream-sized goals. Be honest! 🙋‍♀️

That's no problem; here are some extra hints and tips to get you on your way:

  • Tip #1: Create an accomplishments journal. This will help you remember where you started and see how far you’ve come.

  • Tip #2: Remember to cheer for others. They’re cheering for you so you better be doing the same for them.

  • Tip #3: Call on your support system. Goal crushing is a team sport, so you’re going to need your community. And remember…I’m one of your cheerleaders too! Download my free Vision and Goals Roadmap to help you get started with tangible ways to turn your dream life into your real life.

For an in-depth look at the four key areas of life, you can watch this video I created here.

Key Takeaways

Let's wrap this up, shall we? The key takeaways to remember from this post are that it’s time to get in the driver’s seat of your life with holistic goal setting in the four key areas of life.

At Goal and Grind, I make it my mission to help high achievers turn their dream life into their real life by getting in the driver’s seat of their life.

If you would like to partner with me, please drop me a line here. I love hearing from Goal Grinders!

Pssst, you can also check out my Goals Glow Up Planner. It includes is planner is a self-guide to create your bespoke vision and goals and then incorporate goal crushing in your routine. A goal grinders guide to infuse purpose, intention and joy toward crushing your goals one small step at a time to fall in love with your life more each day. This planner not only has all the templates that my Vision and Goals Party participants get but it also includes tools to incorporate goal crushing throughout the year. It's time to get in the driver's seat of your life. In the Goals Glow Up Planner you’ll get:

  • 32 PDF pages focused on joy, goals and living your best life

  • Goal and Grind Vision and Goals template pages with guidance through each step (7 pages).

  • Glow Up Sheets with quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily guides to help keep you on track to crushing your goals (7 pages)

  • Inspirational reminders, direction and quotes (5 pages).

  • Extra notes pages in various formats (lined, unlined, etc) for you to dream on (6 pages).

  • Cover page options so you can personalize it (4 pages).

  • All pages are undated so you can duplicate them and write in dates as needed.

Oh, and come say hi on YouTube, LinkedIn or Instagram and join the Goal Grinders Community!


Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work: A Better Way to Crush Your Goals 


Grief and Joy